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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

500 S&W Magnum

This is what happens when you visit coach Pendlay's parent's end up shooting an AK 47, snipper riffle, some other crazy machine gun, and last but not least, the most powerful hand gun in the world, a 500 S&W Magnum.  The lady you hear in the background is Coach's mom, and she was calling me out hardcore.  Lol  After the first shot I was shaken up, but then when the whole Pendlay family told me to shoot the cannon with one hand......well......let's just say my wrist still hurts to this day.  I had to post this because Coach was almost in tears today telling the whole team about how much of a wimp I was, so I defended myself with the only thing that truly made sense to me, "Do you even lift"?! 

Clint Eastwood 2016 


  1. Lol, dude. Like weightlifting it is all in your form. Yours needs a little work in regards to the .500 :) Hope you had fun
