Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I am almost 100% sure that Coach Glenn Pendlay works or has
worked for the secret service, and here’s why.  The whole California
Strength team pulls up in two car loads into the Costco parking lot like we are
in the mafia, or better yet in the secret service.  Coach starts walking
to the front door outside in the windy parking lot.   Now for some reason
while Coach Glenn Pendlay was walking toward the front door I imagined the Akon
song “sexy chick” playing.  It would have fit coach perfectly! The
walk, the attitude, the weightlifting mafia behind him, shit just the whole
Glenn Pendlay way! I was thinking, “Damn that’s one sexy man”!!
haha I don’t know why I think that’s so funny, it just is.  I think it’s because
he is just so damn serious it makes it that much funnier.  Its sample time
baby!  A couple times a week we crash the little party of soccer moms and
working dads at Costco and eat all there samples!   The first step in
pulling off this free meal between practices is getting a cart, and pushing it
around the store like we are actually buying stuff.  Coach will actually
put stuff in the cart and just slowly push it around the store!  It’s like
he is a big bear trying to fit in with the humans! haha I am sorry but watching
him making round after round is one of the funniest and greatest things I have
ever seen.  It’s not only that, it’s the way he does it.  He will
walk up looking at the samples like it’s a math problem, look up at the little Asian
girl, look back down to the samples and then he will start talking to the
samples lady’s about everything!  “what is it”  where is it
from”  what’s it good on”  He will eat it, then he will
start moving his hands around in some sort of crazy way, gathering his flock of
weightlifters to the sample booth!   “Jon have you tried
this”?  I will say yes coach I have.  “Well Jon then get
some more!”  Ok coach I will.  lol   hahaha  and
he is dead serious, I have never seen a man so serious in my life, and we are
eating samples!!!   If we walk up to a sample table that has the food
in the oven still, he will write down when it will be done, walk around more
and then yell, “guys I think the mini hot dogs are done”!!!! “Let’s
go”  “move out”!!!      We will
all follow our great leader through the crowd of people like little ducks down
a stream.  Sometimes coach will have us spread out and attack each sample
booth one at a time, then we will switch every minute.  Of course only on
coach Pendlays hand motion.  It’s not hard to find the leader, just look
in the middle of Costco and you will find a big man with camo pants on and a
black shirt that says “Penldlay”!!!! hahahahahaha Light
weight!!!  2012!!

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