Friday, March 25, 2011


I love coaching weightlifting.  I love taking someone brand new to this
sport and making them freaky good.  My favorite is when I get someone
that has never done Olympic weightlifting, Then I can teach them MY way
and they don’t have any bad habits they learned from some idiot so
called coach.  I feel like I am becoming a very good coach.  sorry I am
going to toot my own horn hear, but I feel that I am starting to really
come up with my own ideas rather than going off someone else.  I am
putting together everything I have learned from my three years in this
sport and making them my own.  From different coaches, different teams,
training with different athletes, meets, winning, losing, Pr’s, bombing
out, Clarking, killing weight, being nervous, to cocky, not to cocky,
different technique in the lifts, different starts, different workout
programs, different ways to look at this sport.  I have been through all
of these and much much more in my three years in this sport, I have
been there and done that, and i think that’s whats going to make me a
great coach.  I feel that I have the knowledge and the experience, and
those two things together are dangerous.  I am going to be a mix of
coach Jackie Mau, Coach Paul Daurghty, coach Tim Frizby, Coach Donny
Shankle, coach Dave spitz, and my biggest influenc Coach Glenn
Pendlay.   Take a little of what I learned form all of them, take alot
of Jon North and you have the best weightlifting coach to ever live! 
lol jk I know I have a lot to learn still, I learn everyday, and I will
never know it all.  Just like Coach Pendlay says, “when you think you
know it all, you don’t.”  I love that line.  But I am getting very good
and teaching technique, getting athletes strong and teaching them what
it takes to strive in this sport.  I think before you can do any of this
you have to have an understanding of the sport.  I am good at teaching
the snatch because I snatch 160kg, but also because I know how I
snatched 160kg. I am not saying you have to lift big weights to coach big weights, but It’s the tool that I use, because I dont think I would ever be able to coach weightliftng without hitting the numbers I have hit and the crazy journey I have gone through in the last three years.  I know some people that can lift a lot but can’t teach
it.  It just comes easy to me, I know what my body is doing to snatch
160kg so I try to give back to other people what my secretes are.  same
thing with the clean and jerk.  I am growing an army of young kids hear
at California strength and I am very excited to watch these kids get
better and better at this sport right in front of my eyes, and to think I
had something to do with there success makes me sleep very well at
night.  I am looking forward to my future as an athlete in this sport,
but I am also looking forward to coaching my kids to great height’s, and
other kids that I get in my long journey on the road of weightlifting. 
Jon North 2012


  1. Jon,

    I think it is great you are helping the kids. Keep up the good work.


  2. You do a great job with those kids. 90% of them asked where you were, and asked when you would be back. They were missing the energy in the room. The other 10% said "thank god, he'd make us squat all day." hahahaha!

  3. Thank you JIM that means a lot to me, just keeping my eyes and ears open everyday learning new things. I have this Kid Andrew Jester, he is a 53kg lifter and he just snatched 45kg and clean and jerked 56kg, he just turned 14 and the kid has no fear. I think I am doing something right twith this kid, keep an eye on this kid, he is going to be something special in the near future.
